Luz Divia Fierro El Meson PINK BOURBON - WASHED Colombia
Luz Divia Fierro El Meson PINK BOURBON - WASHED Colombia

This is an exquisite Pink Bourbon selection from a new partnership in Acevedo, Huila. This variety is quickly becoming popularized within Colombia for its unique and complex cup profile and this coffee is a wonderful representation of that. In the cup we find pink lemonade, delicate florals, and ripe red fruit. 


Pink Bourbon


Berlin, Acevedo, Huila


1,650 masl


October, 2020


Hand picked at peak ripeness. Floated to further remove defects. Held in cherry for 24 hours. Depulped. Dry fermented for 24 hours. Washed four times in clean water. Dried on raised beds for 18 days.


Luz Divia Fierro grows coffee with her husband Elpidio. They inherited their farm from Elpidio's father, however, Luz and Elpidio work the farm together and have chosen to sell the coffee under her name. A little over three years ago the couple moved to this land, built a house and began by planting 20,000 Pink Bourbon trees on pasture land that had never before been cultivated. El Meson's soil is mostly loam with a few pockets of sand, and there is an area of protected forest reserve  with a waterfall on the property as well. Luz and Elpidio are members of a younger generation of coffee growers from southern Huila who are dedicated to producing high quality coffee while honoring the legacy of their parents and grandparents. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to work with their coffee. 


Pink Bourbon is a variety known for the complexity of its acidity and fruit characteristics. The physical look of the seeds and plant, along with its rather distinct flavor profile, point towards it being some sort of Ethiopian Landrace variety. However, to our knowledge Pink Bourbon has not yet been genetically tested, so we cannot say with certainty what exactly it is. Working with our partners at World Coffee Research we hope to have this variety tested in the near future. 

Pricing Details

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Farm Gate (Local)

1.8MM COP/Carga

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Farm Gate (USD)


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The cost of getting a coffee from cherry to beverage varies enormously depending on its place of origin and the location of its consumption. The inclusion of price transparency is a starting point to inform broader conversation around the true costs of production and the sustainability of specialty coffee as a whole.